285 Bay Avenue, Milford, Delaware


Tammy Rust, REALTOR®

We are excited to announce Tammy Rust as our November 2023 Featured Agent! We sat down with Tammy to hear all about her experiences at Jack Lingo, REALTOR®. Keep reading to learn more!

Jack Lingo, REALTOR® Carvertise Philadelphia, PA

The team at Jack Lingo, REALTOR® is excited to continue its Carvertise advertising partnership for the fourth consecutive year,
and members are certain this year’s campaign will boast significant results.

Chelsea Bristow, REALTOR®

We are excited to announce Chelsea Bristow as our October 2023 Featured Agent! We sat down with Chelsea to hear all about her experiences at Jack Lingo, REALTOR®. Keep reading to learn more!

Cheryl Crowe, REALTOR®

We are excited to announce Cheryl Crowe as our September 2023 Featured Agent! We sat down with Cheryl to hear all about her experiences at Jack Lingo, REALTOR®. Keep reading to learn more!