We are excited to announce Michael Dominguez as our August 2024 Featured Team Member! We sat down with Michael to hear all about his experiences at Jack Lingo, REALTOR®. Keep reading to learn more!
Q: How long have you been with Jack Lingo, REALTOR®?
22 years.
Q. How did you know that Jack Lingo, REALTOR® was the right fit for you?
I have known the Lingos for quite some time. Before becoming a real estate agent, I was a teacher and taught many Lingo children. I had nothing but respect for the parents and how they raised their children, therefore I thought they would be a perfect fit for me as an agent.
Q. How do you think Jack Lingo, REALTOR® differs from other real estate companies?
They differ for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is the way they teach their agents. We are all taught at one time; therefore, we are all on the same page and get to hear many points of view. This allows for more understanding and learning to take place.
Q. When did you know you wanted to work in the real estate industry?
I knew that my teaching career was coming to an end and I've always enjoyed working with people. I thought real estate would be the perfect profession to move on with my next career.
Q. How long have you been in the real estate business?
22 years
Q. Where did you go to college?
West Chester State College (University) and Wilmington College for my Master's.
Q. Reveal one of your hidden talents.
I am a musician.
Q. Name something that you could not live without.
My health.
Q. What is your favorite hobby?
Q. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher.
Q. If you could build anything, what would it be?
A home in the mountains on a lake.
Q. If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why would you go there?
A Tough question–Spain, to see where my ancestors are from.
Q. Who is your personal hero?
My grandfather.
Q. What is your favorite quote?
"Your mind believes what you tell it most!"
CLICK HERE to learn more about Michael, and contact him today at 302-745-2019 (cell) or miltonpe2000@gmail.com!