Amanda Ryan, REALTOR®
Amanda Ryan, REALTOR® - Rehoboth Beach

We are excited to announce Amanda Ryan as our July 2024 Featured Team Member! We sat down with Amanda to hear all about her experiences at Jack Lingo, REALTOR®. Keep reading to learn more!

Q: How long have you been with Jack Lingo, REALTOR®?

As of June 5, 2024–11 years.

Q. How did you know that Jack Lingo, REALTOR® was the right fit for you?

When I decided to go into real estate full-time, I knew I needed to join a team with experience. I wanted to be surrounded by seasoned agents. I had always admired the agents at Jack Lingo for their success and roots in the area. When invited to join The Bryce Lingo and Shaun Tull Team, I knew it was my opportunity to learn and grow with the best in the business.  

Q. How do you think Jack Lingo, REALTOR® differs from other real estate companies?

It is a small company with strong relationships focused heavily on education.

Q. When did you know you wanted to work in the real estate industry?

Becoming a realtor was never high on my priority list. My career shifted in a way that led to me becoming a realtor. I guess it was all just a natural progression. 

Q. Where did you go to college?

Virginia Tech - Go Hokies!

Q. Name something that you could not live without.

My family, especially my children. I honestly cannot remember my life without them.

Q. What is your favorite hobby?

My husband and son were both given the nickname Hobby after my late father-in-law.  Harvey is their formal name.  With that said, I have many favorite Hobbies!

Q. If you could build anything, what would it be?

Since there are not enough hours in the day, a close of myself would be the next best thing!

Q. What is your favorite quote?

"Everything happens for a reason!"

CLICK HERE to learn more about Amanda, and contact her today at 302-841-9603 (cell) or!