![jack-lingo-realtor_logo-reverse MEET OUR APRIL 2023 FEATURED AGENT: AVA CANNON - Jack Lingo REALTOR jack-lingo-realtor_logo-reverse MEET OUR APRIL 2023 FEATURED AGENT: AVA CANNON - Jack Lingo REALTOR](/images/layout/jack-lingo-realtor_logo-reverse.png)
We are excited to announce Ava Cannon as our April 2023 Featured Agent! We sat down with Ava to hear all about her experiences at Jack Lingo, REALTOR®. Keep reading to learn more!
How long have you been with Jack Lingo, REALTOR®?
Since Spring 2004.
How did you know that Jack Lingo, REALTOR® was the right fit for you?
I wanted to work for a family owned business that emulated my values and after interviewing with them, it seemed like a natural fit. I’ve watched the dynamics change as time has passed and still appreciate the closeness of the staff and family.
How do you think Jack Lingo, REALTOR® differs from other real estate companies?
Jack Lingo Realtor originated in Sussex County and has blossomed here. While some of the principal owners have strong financial interests in the area, my role as an independent contractor without a stake in the firm has given me the motivation to succeed.
When did you know you wanted to work in the real estate industry?
I have wanted to be a real estate agent for many years before I actually got my license in 2004. I had talked to a couple of realtors asking them about working in the industry and one in particular always talked me out of it. Glad I didn’t take his advice.
What has been your proudest moment at Jack Lingo, REALTOR® so far?
Finding the right property or listing/selling a home for a client always makes me feel proud of my job. My first sale 19 years ago was memorable in the fact we couldn’t look up properties online (they were printed out and kept in books) and I kept written notes about what the buyers were looking for. I made sure to follow up with these people (on a landline no less) because I really felt like I could find what they were looking for. When they called to cancel their appointment to look at places, I explained I had cleaned out my car (remember I had very young children at the time). They ended up buying one of the houses I showed them and a few years later I listed their home when they moved to another state.
How long have you been in the real estate business?
19 years. I’ve only worked for Jack Lingo, REALTOR®.
Where did you go to college?
I graduated from the University of Florida in 1986.
Reveal one of your hidden talents.
I wouldn’t call it hidden, but when I’m super happy and have the space, I like to do cartwheels.
Name something you could not live without.
My three girls (now young ladies), my husband, my pets, watching sunsets, and spending time on the beach.
What is your favorite hobby?
Gardening and running/walking/hiking outside are tied for my favorite hobbies.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A veterinarian.
If you could build anything, what would it be?
I’d build a house on the bay where I could watch sunsets every day.
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why would go there?
Europe, specifically Italy. I have never been and it’s high on my bucket list. My heritage is very diverse and I have a lot of exploring to do.
Who is your personal hero?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
What is your favorite quote?
The Serenity Prayer- “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”
CLICK HERE to learn more about Ava, and contact her today at 302-249-5620 (cell) or ava@jacklingo.com!