We are excited to announce Michael (Mike) Rodriguez as our October 2021 Featured Agent! We sat down with Mike to hear all about his experiences at Jack Lingo, REALTOR®. Keep reading to learn more!

How long have you been with Jack Lingo, REALTOR®?

I started my career with Jack Lingo, REALTOR® in October 2005.

How did you know that Jack Lingo, REALTOR® was the right fit for you?

My father-in-law, who has been in the business for a long time, spoke very highly of this company and the agents within the company.

How do you think Jack Lingo, REALTOR® differs from other real estate companies?

They are a family-owned-and-operated business with a broker that ensures all their agents can succeed at a high level.

When did you know you wanted to work in the real estate industry?

Starting a family and purchasing our first home quickly showed me that being a part of helping other potential clients find their home would be truly satisfying and rewarding.

What has been your proudest moment at Jack Lingo, REALTOR® so far?

Being chosen for the 10th year in a row as a Five Star REALTOR®, which is based on recommendations from my clients on a yearly basis.

How long have you been in the real estate business?

16 years.

Where did you go to college?

Delaware State University.

Reveal one of your hidden talents.

I love to cook.

Name something you could not live without.

My family, kids, and of course my beautiful French Bulldog, Lola.

What is your favorite hobby?

I love to be outside and on the golf course.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

As with many kids, sports was a big part of my childhood, and all I wanted to be was a professional baseball player.

If you could build anything, what would it be? 

A medical machine that could cure all diseases.

If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why would you go there?

I would love to go to San Juan, Puerto Rico, as I have family roots and ancestors there.

Who is your personal hero?

My parents who showed my sister and I that hard work and determination will get you anywhere you want to go.

What is your favorite quote?

Life is short; just buy the beach house.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Mike!

Contact Mike at 302-236-7649 (cell) or mrod@jacklingo.com!